2016 CSBA Fall Rally Report

A shot of the Shenandoah Valley Thursday October 6th

I woke up and began my ride in the dark. I wanted to get an early start to a full day of riding. I had to recon a Central PA chapter ride out near State College, PA and then head south to the rally. On the way out I checked out a new road told to me by my friend Rusty Bucket, that was nice. Next, I did the whole recon, even stopping for a scenic photo.

Everything is a go for next weeks' ride, so that was a relief. I wanted to take the "scenic route" down to southern VA, but it was a little past noon, so I didn't have the time. In this case I had to slab it all the way down Interstate 81, and VA is a LONG state! Over 200 miles of slab, uggh.   I made decent time, stopping once for lunch, once for gas, and I only hit a slow down in traffic twice. Just as an FYI, 81 mph or higher on a highway is a reckless driving misdemeanor in VA, so watch your speed there. Not that I would go that fast on a public road.   I did see some scenic views of the Shenandoah Valley and it was nice to be welcomed again by friends once I arrived at the hotel. Our first dinner together was a quaint bar/restaurant in Marion, which oddly enough was the best dinner we had that weekend. After that we sat in the lobby at the hotel and made plans for the next day. 623 miles that day.

Friday, October 7th
Rajin Cajun, our North Carolina chapter leader, led the first ride going south beginning a desperate attempt to avoid the rain. That stinkin Hurricane!   We had some dry patches where we were able to get our bikes leaned over and scrub off treads near the edge of the tire. We rode some famous roads, drove through a cool stone arch, saw great scenery, stopped a neat old country store, and enjoyed the day despite getting stuck behind a Wal-mart truck in the rain, not fun.

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